North London Group Therapy

Touchstone - a supervision group for counsellors and therapists with Tim Foskett

For counsellors and psychotherapists to address: 
  • Clinical practice with clients, people in relationships and groups 
  • Practice development 
  • Ethical practice 
  • Diversity issues in therapy 
  • The interface between their personal process and their clinical practice 
  • The group process of the supervision group itself
In service to working effectively, developmentally, enjoyably and professionally with clients. 
Wednesday afternoons – online (Zoom) 3.00 - 5.00 pm 
5 sessions x 3 terms (Jan - April, May - July, Sep - Dec) 
And three Fridays 10.30 - 5.00 pm in person each year. 
£90 per calendar month.
To find out more, email me at telling me a bit about yourself, any questions and your interest in the group.
Tim Foskett is an accredited individual & group psychotherapist and supervisor with the UK Association of Humanistic Psychology Practitioners and the UK Council for Psychotherapy. He has over 30 years experience of working therapeutically with people in various settings.  He is a co-founder and director of North London Group Therapy and of Loving Men+. He is a Clinical Associate and Advanced Accredited GSRD therapist with Pink Therapy
Tim has studied various forms of Humanistic, Integrative & Psychodynamic Counselling, Psychotherapy, Group Therapy and Supervision at City University, PHYSIS, Spectrum, CPPD and the American Group Psychotherapy Association.  He is also a qualified 5Rhythms© dance teacher and is informed by the somatic and movement practice work of Open Floor International. More information is available here: